On the ArômaGrasse Business Park
Where are hosted more than 15 companies such as : Perfume Cosmetic World, TOMCOS, SelectArôme ... mostly PASS (Perfumes, Aromas, Scents, Flavors).
In connection with Espace Jacques-Louis Lions where are located :
> The InnovaGrasse business incubator,
> The University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis : training in fine chemistry master 2 FOQUAL, its students, professors and researchers in a place conducive to teaching and research (classrooms, laboratories, exchange rooms ...),
> Technological and regulatory resources : represented by the PASS Competitiveness Cluster and its partner platform of analytical chemistry whose objective is to reinforce R & D by bringing together researchers from the academic sector and the private sector in one place (certification and authentication of ingredients).

Local Dynamics ...
In this environment, your company, within Grasse BIOTECH, also benefits from the local dynamics :
> The private sector : the relationship with local businesses and the Pays de Grasse entrepreneurs club, the provision of expertise (permanence and information meetings), the companies of the Hotel themselves, the participation of SMEs and large companies to events organized in the building (seminars, conferences, economic meetings ...),
> The public sector : the Grasse BIOTECH Business Hotel is managed by the Agglomeration Community of the Pays de Grasse and benefits from the support of institutional partners, particularly in the financing of innovative projects.